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Month: August 2023

From The Vault: Live Burn at New Haven Regional Fire Academy (April 2023)

Being prepared to operate on the fire floor is a constant process. And while each fire may present different challenges, the one detail that is never overlooked in the fire service is the importance of training for them. Operating at the New Haven Regional Fire Training Academy’s Live Burn Center, that’s exactly what our members did. Remember, proper tactics save lives!

From The Vault: Extrication Training (April 2023)

On Thursday, April 27, 2023, the West Haven Fire Department conducted an auto extrication drill at the New Haven Regional Fire Academy.

Engines 21, 25, and Truck 22 took part in the drill were hard at work making sure they’re ready to put their good training to use whenever the situation may require it.

From The Vault: Confined Space Drill (May 2023)

On Wednesday, May 10, 2023, the West Haven Fire Department conducted a confined space rescue drill at the West Haven VA Medical Center. Members simulated various emergency scenarios and how to properly respond to them. We thank our partners at the VA for both their hospitality and cooperation.

This training was courtesy of the Connecticut Fire Academy as funded by a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Assistant to Firefighter (AFG) grant for 20 firefighters.

From The Vault: Hose Line Advancement Drill (June 2023)

Between stretching hose lines and simulating the rescue of an entrapped victim, this hot summer day back in June of 2023 represented the perfect day for training on these critical aspects of firefighting.

Utilizing the quarters of North End Hose Company 4, we were able to do just that. We’ve always been firm believers in being proactive in regard to our training. This was another example of us doing just that.

From The Vault: Roof Operations (June 2023)

Roof operations though daunting, represent a pivotal part of fire response. From rescue work to ventilation, there are many ways the roof can serve as an asset to a firefighter. How does that come to be better understood? Training of course!

Senior Firefighter Frank Paine Assigned Badge No. 1

Congratulations to Firefighter Frank Paine on his assignment of the prestigious department badge number one. Badge number one is assigned to the most tenured firefighter in the department. Firefighter Paine was hired on September 3, 1996, and 27 years later remains an integral member of our department. He takes over for Joseph Bruneau who was recently promoted to Lieutenant. Lieutenant Bruneau held badge number one from December 28, 2022, to May 23, 2023.

A Hydrant Painting with Meaning

A hydrant painting in the Center District as done here by Captain Roy Sebas and Firefighter Nick Amendola. Since 2002, hydrants in our district have been painted red, white, and blue in remembrance of the 343 New York City firefighters who heroically lost their lives saving others at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.