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Interview with Retired FDNY Lieutenant and 9/11 Survivor Mickey Kross

On September 11, 2001, Mickey Kross, was a 25-year veteran Lieutenant of the FDNY assigned to Engine Company 16 in Midtown Manhattan when his company would be dispatched to the World Trade Center. Responding to the North Tower, they’d ascended as high as the 20th floor when the adjacent South Tower collapsed, forcing all remaining emergency workers to evacuate. Descending, Lt. Kross had reached the 3rd floor when the North Tower began to collapse as well. In what’s since become known as the Miracle of Stairway B, Lt. Kross along with several other firefighters survived. Now a resident of West Haven, Lt. Kross sat down for an extended interview with Center District Digital Media Specialist Mike Colón. This is his story.