
  • The Latest

  • CAREERS TO REMEMBER: Chief of Department William Johnson Jr.

    Chief of Department William Johnson Jr.
    (Years of Service: 1966-2007)

    Simply put, the West Haven Fire Department would not be where it is today without Chief Johnson. A Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Marine Corps., Chief Johnson’s journey in the fire service really began from boyhood. The son of Chief William Johnson Sr. who himself served the West Haven Fire Department, at the helm from 1945 until 1971 as its Chief of Department, he followed his father’s footsteps, joining the department on July 5, 1966, after 10 years as a volunteer with West Haven Hook and Ladder Company 1.
    It would not be long either before he, like his father, would also become a fire officer when on November 18, 1974, he was promoted to Lieutenant. Serving in that capacity for three years, he was promoted to the rank of Captain on November 5,1977, and Assistant Chief two years later on November 2, 1979. On January 16, 1981, he would mark the defining moment of his career when he was promoted to Chief of Department, 10 years after his father had retired from the post.

    Over the course of the next 26 years, Chief Johnson would make several key changes to our department’s standard operating procedures, advancing and more importantly modernizing the department and its mission, changes of which the positive impact is still being felt today. An inductee into Connecticut’s inaugural Firefighters Hall of Fame class, he was also the recipient of the Davidson Award for outstanding contributions to the fire service.
    When he retired on February 22, 2007, he did so as the longest sitting Chief our department has ever had and as its longest serving member. Still contributing post-retirement, he was named the department’s first historian on February 22, 2013.

    On May 31, 2020, Chief Johnson’s legendary life came to an end when he died of natural causes at the age of 84. A legend of this department, his impact and legacy is sure to be felt for generations to come.

  • SPOTLIGHT ON: Captain John Perry

    SPOTLIGHT ON: Captain John Perry
    Hired by our department on October 1, 1999, Captain Perry recently celebrated 25 years of service to the Center District. Working as first a firefighter for 21 years, he served on multiple different shifts before his promotion to Lieutenant on April 15, 2020. Upon the retirement of Captain Jeffrey Testut, Perry would be promoted again on July 25, 2023, this time to Captain, replacing Testut as commander of our department’s D-Shift. When not on shift, the Captain remains on call, helping his fellow firefighters as Union President for Local 1198.

  • Vehicle Stabilization Training at Headquarters

    At our Elm Street Headquarters, members of the C-Shift spent the morning practicing stabilization of a vehicle following a collision. Utilizing a vehicle that was donated to us specifically for these types of drills, these training evolutions centered on proper and efficient stabilization techniques with an extra emphasis on safety.

  • Members Respond To A Garage Fire

    Last Thursday just before 2PM, West Haven Fire Dispatch received multiple calls reporting heavy fire showing from a garage in the 600 block of Third Avenue. Nearby, a West Haven Police Officer on patrol in the area confirmed a working fire, prompting a full response from the Center District. Responding on the assignment was Engine 21, Engine 25, Truck 22, and Car 68. Upon arrival, they made quick work of the fire, knocking it down and preventing any extension to other structures. Thankfully, no civilians or firefighters were injured and the exact cause of the fire remains under investigation. We would like to thank our partners in the West Shore Fire District who responded mutual aid and also assisted at the scene.

  • Honoring a True West Haven Hero

    Last week, members of the Center District paused to pay tribute and remember the life of a true public servant, Herbert “Herbie” Reed. A United States Navy veteran and retired 25-year veteran of the West Haven Police Department, Mr. Reed died on January 19th. He was 86 years old. From 1956-1960, his service in the Navy saw him serve as a Third-Class Petty Officer aboard the USS Aucilla AO-56. Joining the police department soon after, his quarter century spent keeping the citizens of West Haven safe, he distinguished himself as a respected and valued officer. After his retirement, his service continued as he worked as an investigator for the Connecticut State’s Attorney. His commitment to serving others is something he passed down to his family. His son Chris Reed, retired as a Deputy Chief in the City of West Haven-Allingtown Fire District, his granddaughter Brittany currently serves as a West Haven Police Officer, and his grandson Alec is currently a firefighter with the City of West Haven-Allingtown Fire District. We extend our deepest condolences to his family and thank him for everything he did for our city.

  • Members Respond To An Electrical Box Alarm

    Scenes from last week as members of D-Shift were dispatched to a box alarm in the area of Park and Savin for a possible electrical fire in a home. Though members on scene investigated and thankfully determined this was not a fire but rather a minor electrical malfunction, we remain ready to spring into action whenever called upon.

  • SPOTLIGHT ON: Chief of Department James O’Brien

    SPOTLIGHT ON: Chief of Department James O’Brien. Chief O’Brien was hired by our department on February 16, 1993, after previous stints as a member of Hook and Ladder Company 1 and Chief of the Allingtown Volunteer Association. Serving as a firefighter for 8 years, his rank ascension began with his promotion to the rank of Lieutenant on July 11, 2001. Serving in that capacity for six years, he was then promoted to Chief of Department on December 11, 2007, exactly six years and five months following his original promotion. In addition to his service out in the field, Chief O’Brien previously served as Chairman of our Department’s annual Toy Drive from 1994-2005 and in 1998, was named firefighter of the year by the West Haven Elks Society.

  • Center District Ice Water Rescue Training

    Throughout last week, members of all four shifts partook in an advanced Ice Rescue Technician Course. Partnering with the great folks at Water Training Resources who provided us with this essential training, this class was made possible for the Center District through funding provided through the FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant. We thank both Water Training Resources and FEMA for providing us with the opportunity to be better equipped to handle any ice/water rescue missions in the future. Photo Credit: Jon Drost

  • SPOTLIGHT ON: Firefighter Frank Paine

    SPOTLIGHT ON: Firefighter Frank Paine. Hired by our department on September 3, 1996, he is the most senior firefighter in the Center District and one of the more senior firefighters serving citywide. A longtime member of the A-Shift, firefighting is something that has run in his family, with his father Mark Paine also serving the Center District, reaching the rank of Captain and his grandfather serving with the New Haven Fire Department, retiring with the rank of Deputy Chief. On June 28, 2023, Frank was awarded our department’s Badge number 1, cementing his status as our most veteran firefighter. Entering his 29th year, Firefighter Paine is still going strong, remaining a pivotal part of operations on the fireground and mentoring our newer members.

  • DID YOU KNOW? Hoseline Operations

    MOVING THE HOSE: One of the key aspects to firefighting is teamwork. If one thinks they can handle it alone, they’re sadly mistaken. While each individual possesses strengths that make them highly skilled at what they do, it’s when working together and combining those skills that we are truly at our best. Such is the case when it comes to moving hose. As demonstrated during this training session at the New Haven Fire School, while one firefighter handles putting out the fire with ample water supply, the other assists in making sure the line advances. This is key because it lessens the possibility of snags or the line getting stuck, compromising operations, while ensuring the line is always where it needs to be. It’s essential details in the fire service like these that we always make sure we train on.

  • SPOTLIGHT ON: Captain Andrew “Andy” Bennett

    SPOTLIGHT ON: Captain Andrew “Andy” Bennett. Joining our department on February 2, 2009, Captain Bennett has for nearly 16 years served the residents of West Haven as both a firefighter and fire officer. A paramedic and Center District’s IT liaison, he has brought his skillset to both emergency and technological operations. Previously the chairman of our department’s annual award ceremony, he was promoted to Lieutenant on May 7, 2020 and Captain on February 7, 2024 where he currently serves as Commander of the A-Shift.

  • Engine 25 Hose Line Training

    At the quarters of Engine 25, Lieutenant Gerald Barosy led a drill centered on hose line stretches and different tactics to utilize when battling structure fires. The first order of business at any fire before other critical operations can be done is getting water on the flames as soon as possible. This drill, conducted with Firefighters Tim Clark, Steve Roberts, and Joe Mauro, served as a valuable refresher.

  • Thank You To Mission BBQ For Their Latest Delicious Donation

    We once again would like to thank our friends at Mission Barbecue for their generous donation of food to our firehouse. For years, their mission has been to give back to first responders and today was their latest demonstration of how that. We thank staff member Maddie Swan for taking the time to prepare and bring the food and the rest of the staff at Mission who contributed to making a very delicious spread!

  • Live Burns With Center and Allingtown Recruits

    The newest recruits for both the Center and City of West Haven-Allingtown districts participated in their first live burn post-fire academy at New Haven’s Regional Fire School. These evolutions were aimed as both a refresher of what they have learned and a familiarization with how our departments operate at working fires. Within this burn as well, Chief of Department James O’Brien tested out a Cairns XF1 fighter pilot styled fire helmet with modernized features and technology aimed at providing greater protection for firefighters and improving both safety and efficiency for prolonged operations. A productive training on multiple fronts, these live burn trainings are a great way for newer firefighters to learn and be better equipped to serve you!

  • A Tribute in Lights To Injured WHPD Officer

    We at the West Haven Fire Department send our very best wishes on a speedy recovery to the West Haven Police Officer injured in the line of duty during a recent auto collision. Our partners in the West Haven Police Department risk their lives daily as well in our joint mission to keep the community we all serve safe. We are grateful the officer will recover and ask that you keep them and their family in your prayers.

  • Forcible Entry Training With Our 3 Recruits

    Under the tutelage of C-Shift Firefighter Bret Newport, our three recruits were taught the ins and outs of forcible entry. A key step to know in the event of encountering locked doors during emergencies, mainly structure fires, forcible entry focuses on quick and safe methods to gain entry into a room or building. A 7-year veteran of our department and driver of Truck 22, Firefighter Newport is always willing to share his knowledge with any of our members, especially those like our newest three, as they embark on their careers.

  • Hydrant Training with Our 3 New Recruits

    Our three recruits are off and running for two weeks of in-house training before their assignments to their permanent shifts. Captain Mike Farrelly, Lieutenant Joe Wendland, and Firefighter Rich Decker took the time to go over the importance of properly making a hydrant during a structure fire. One of several steps in their training, it is this tutelage by our veteran staff that will help them excel as they begin their new careers.

  • Welcome To Our 3 Newest Recruits!

    The West Haven Fire Department had the honor and privilege today of accepting Firefighters Clayton Jerzyk, Dana Lewis, and Brendan Carew into our firefighting family as successful graduates of Connecticut Fire Academy Class #74. Bagpipes were played, certificates were made, and today was the official introduction into the start of a career for the “Best Job in the World…” The only limits to your success will be yourselves… and sometimes your cooking skills. We can not wait to see how you lead the fire service into the future…

  • Toy Giveaway at Savin Rock Community School

    Chief of Department James O’Brien, Captain Jacob Urban, and Danny The Fire Dog were on hand yesterday at Savin Rock School along with City of West Haven Mayor Dorinda Borer and Frosty The Snowman to hand out stuffed animals to our students and give the little ones a chance to meet and pet Danny! We thank the staff at Savin Rock School for both their warm hospitality and collaboration in helping make this event a resounding success. Once again we would

    Like to thank the staff down at PetSmart including Store Leader Leonardo Molina and Assistant Store Leader Stephanie Schork for their generous contribution of stuffed animals. Without these essential community partnerships, great days like yesterday would drives not be possible. If you wish to drop off a toy or stuffed animal join us TODAY between 9am and dusk at the intersection of Captain Thomas and Kelsey Avenue with members of Local 1198 for our annual toy drive collection.

  • Yearly HazMat Refresher

    In what was a tri-district HazMat Awareness and Operational class, Naugatuck Fire Department Assistant Chief Walter Seaman instructed Center, West Shore, and City of West Haven-Allingtown members on proper procedures to safely handle any emergencies involving dangerous and/or hazardous materials. Chief Seaman, a 36-year fire service veteran discussed both past incidents and scenarios to consider. From high risk chemicals to explosive materials, there are several dangers to keep in mind and we are glad to have Chief Seaman on hand throughout the week to provide a key refresher to all of our respective shifts.

  • A Thank You to Our Partners at PetSmart!

    We sincerely thank all who have donated to this point to our annual toy drive. We extend a heartfelt thanks as well to the staff down at PetSmart including Store Leader Leonardo Molina and Assistant Store Leader Stephanie Schork for their generous contribution of stuffed animals that will be gifted to local children in need. Without these essential community partnerships, drives like this one would not be possible. If you wish to drop off a toy or stuffed animal please do so by placing one in our drop box located at our Headquarters of 366 Elm Street, West Haven, CT, 06516. The drop off all toys will be held this Friday, December 6, at the Savin Rock Conference Center located at the intersection of Captain Thomas and Kelsey Avenue.

  • Four New Lieutenants Promoted in The Center District

    Friday, November 22, 2024 marked a major turning point for the Center District as we gathered at our Elm Street Headquarters to celebrate the promotion of four of our own to their new respective ranks of Lieutenant. Honored in this ceremony were Joe Giaquinto, Brian Sweeney, Nick Amendola, and Chris DeCrescenzo. Each taking the oath as their family and colleagues looked on, they’ll assume their new responsibilities across our A, B, C, and D Shifts. With a combined 42 years of experience, each man will bring an invaluable perspective and veteran presence to their role, and continue to do what they were already doing: being leaders and setting a positive example. Congratulations to all and we wish each of you all the best in your new chapters.

  • Tri-District Blood & Airborne Disease Prevention Training

    A-Shift Firefighter Jeremiah Carrier throughout the week has been instructing a tri-district class meant to educate members of the dangers of blood and airborne diseases and the proper steps to keep safe when responding on medical alarms where patients may potentially be suffering from such diseases. In the fire service, we hold safety on the EMS ground in the same high regard we hold safety on the fire ground, making classes like these essential.

  • EVOC In Action!

    Led by B-Shift Captain Roy Sebas, members both in the classroom and out on the road have been training on the proper techniques of driving an emergency vehicle. Yes, we treat every emergency dispatch with urgency and strive to arrive to the scene as soon as possible, but it’s imperative we do safely. If we get into an accident en route, we unfortunately cannot complete our mission to help the public. Hence why refresher classes like these are so important from our newer members to our more veteran personnel, we all benefit and keep in line with our mission to ensure safety not only for the citizens we serve but ourselves as well.

  • New Recruits Participate in Live Burns

    Our three recruits, currently a part of Connecticut Fire Academy Class 74, had the opportunity to participate recently in a special live burn session held at the Litchfield Fire Academy. Gaining critical training in structure fire response tactics, this training will help sharpen their skill sets for their future careers in the fire service.

  • IN REMEMBRANCE: Lt. Joseph Hines (End of Watch: November 10, 1974)

    IN REMEMBRANCE: This past Sunday, November 10, marked 50 years since Lieutenant Joe Hines died in the line of duty. Sworn in to our department on June 8, 1957, he served for 14 years as a firefighter before his ascent to the rank of Lieutenant on September 3, 1971. Responding to a structure fire at the Armstrong Rubber Facility, Lieutenant Hines suffered severe effects of smoke inhalation and died as a result of those injuries. Half a century after his sacrifice we remember Lieutenant Hines for his service, selflessness, and the courage he demonstrated right until the end.

  • Griphoist Training at Engine 25

    At the quarters of Engine 25, C-Shift Lieutenant Gerald Barosy conducted a training session involving the use of griphoists. Used in cases of accident rescue, griphoists assist in lifting, pulling, and lowering vehicles and/or heavy machinery, to gain access to victims. With two steel chains, each chain is wrapped around the heavy load and using pulleys safely and quickly moved away to continue with the mission. One of several tools we have in our arsenal, it is another valuable asset to the Rescue component of our job as firefighters.


    Joining our department on October 2, 2006, Captain Farrelly is a Windsor native who for the last 18 years has made West Haven his second home, working in the Center District. A firefighter for the first 14 years, he was promoted to Lieutenant on September 15, 2020 working primarily as the officer aboard Engine 21. On May 23, 2023, he was promoted once more, this time to the rank of Captain where he currently is the Commander of the C-Shift. His service extending beyond the fireground, Captain Farrelly is founding member of the West Haven Firemen’s Memorial Board of Trustees and for a time, served as its chairman.

  • Know Your Apparatus!

    Knowing your tools as a firefighter is a major positive, and that certainly extends to our apparatus. Knowing both the capabilities and limitations of the engine, truck, or rescue enables us to make calculated and informed decisions under pressure. That starts on the training ground. B-Shift Firefighters Erik Stalzer, Steven Beckwith, and a member of the West Shore Fire District analyzed our Engine 21 during a joint training at the New Haven Fire School. Committed to deepening our knowledge, we study our fleet so that in actual emergencies, knowing where our equipment is second nature.

  • WHFD Marks Annual 2024 Firemen’s Memorial

    On Sunday, our members gathered on the West Haven Green for our annual Firemen’s Memorial. A time honored tradition in the Center District, this yearly event remembers those who came before us and have sadly since died. Through this annual event, we make sure to always remember them, their families, and the dedicated service they provided for our district and our city. As the ceremony neared its conclusion, a wreath was laid and one by one, members saluted. This year’s ceremony was dedicated to retired Deputy Chief John Patry, who died in 2019 and of whom served our department faithfully and with distinction for 30 years.


    SPOTLIGHT ON: CAR 68. Put into service in March 2024, Car 68 is our shift commander’s vehicle designated for the captains of each of our four shifts. Previously slotted in the front seat of Truck 22, 68 takes the shift captain out of 22 and for the first time in our department’s history sees them have their own command vehicle. A 2022 Ford F250, Car 68 carries the captain’s firefighting gear, a water extinguisher, gas meter, radios, flashlight, and a set of irons. A positive change, this new addition to our fleet provides greater flexibility for our captains particularly in establishing incident command as well the proper utilization of personnel at emergency scenes, most notably in providing early reports to other responding companies and quickly dictating the pace and flow of operations.

  • Remembering Vio

    The West Haven Fire Department mourns the loss of Michael “Vio” Violano who died suddenly on October 19. A staple of West Haven, Michael was a “Westie” through and through. A graduate of both West Haven High School and the University of New Haven, he for nearly 40 years owned and operated Vio’s Sports Plus, a store that has become a staple in our city. Additionally, he served as a highly respected hockey coach, leading Notre Dame-West Haven to four state championships, the last couple years serving as an assistant coach to the West Haven High School Boy’s Hockey team as well. These accolades amongst many others culminating in his 2011 induction into the West Haven Athletic Hall of Fame. Vio was a tremendous supporter to our department throughout the years supplying uniforms to our firefighters and we are forever grateful for his unwavering commitment to helping our mission however and whenever he could. We will miss you Vio and we send our deepest condolences to your family and friends.

  • Remembering Firefighter Robert Sharkevich Sr.

    The West Haven Fire Department sends its deepest condolences to the members of the Wethersfield Fire Department on the tragic loss of one of their firefighters in the line of duty. May they find comfort during this incredibly difficult time and may we never forget the heroic sacrifice made by Firefighter Robert Sharkevich Sr.

  • Center District Holds Annual EMT/CPR Refresher Course

    Members of all four shifts participated last week in a our annual CPR/EMT refresher course. Meant to ensure both competency and effectiveness in the field, A-Shift Firefighter/Paramedic Jeremiah Carrier instructed the course, providing skill stations and interactive lessons throughout the week.

  • Annual Live Burns at the New Haven Fire School

    Last week, members of all four shifts participated in our annual live burns done at the New Haven Regional Fire Academy. Meant to simulate responses to structural fires, these controlled burns served as a pivotal refresher on everything from interior fire attack operations to exterior aerial operations to command operations and the proper utilization of personnel. We never know when the alarm will sound next for a fire and that is why we dedicate as much time as we do to making sure we are wholly prepared to respond to them.

  • WHFD Announces New Grant For Rehab Unit

    Joined by Deputy Chiefs William Johnson and Ron Pisani, State Representative William Heffernan State Senator Richard Blumenthal visited our Center District Headquarters Monday for a press conference announcing the awarding of a grant to our department for the purchase of a new rehab unit. Meant to aid our members at the scenes of structure fires or other large scale emergencies, this new rehab unit will allow for members to receive proper heating during the winter, cooling during the summer and adequate medical care on-scene.
    Additional Footage Credit: FOX61/NBC Connecticut

  • Highlights From Our Annual Tri-District Expo

    We would like to thank all who attended our annual West Haven Public Safety Expo. Thanks to all of you, this tri-district event was once again an amazing success. We’re glad you came and look forward to seeing you all again next year!

  • Chief of Department James O’Brien on Command & The Importance of Calm Under Pressure

    Part 2 of our ongoing interview series on Facets of Fire Command features Chief of Department James O’Brien, who in his 31 years in the fire service, has been an officer for 23 of them. Serving as a Lieutenant from 2001-2007, and Chief of Department from 2007 until the present day. Here are some memorable moments and incidents he can recall from his lengthy career. Head to our department YouTube channel to hear his full story!

  • D/C William Johnson on Notable Emergencies He’s Responded to in His Near 40 Year Career

    We recently sat down and profiled Deputy Chief of Administration William Johnson, the current longest serving member of our department, as part of an ongoing project highlighting both command principles and the careers and experiences of our fire officers. In a near four-decade career, what are the fires and emergencies that most stand out? Head to our department YouTube channel to hear his full story!

  • SPOTLIGHT ON: Firefighter Brian Sweeney

    A-Shift Firefighter Brian Sweeney took the time to train fellow A-Shift member and rookie firefighter Deerick Arzola-Torres on proper ladder techniques. A third generation Center District firefighter, Brian is a 7-year veteran of our department. His father Edward, served 34 years, retiring as a Deputy Chief in 2021. His brother Kevin, has served with our department since 2012, and is currently a Lieutenant assigned to our B-Shift.

  • Interview with Retired FDNY Lieutenant and 9/11 Survivor Mickey Kross

    On September 11, 2001, Mickey Kross, was a 25-year veteran Lieutenant of the FDNY assigned to Engine Company 16 in Midtown Manhattan when his company would be dispatched to the World Trade Center. Responding to the North Tower, they’d ascended as high as the 20th floor when the adjacent South Tower collapsed, forcing all remaining emergency workers to evacuate. Descending, Lt. Kross had reached the 3rd floor when the North Tower began to collapse as well. In what’s since become known as the Miracle of Stairway B, Lt. Kross along with several other firefighters survived. Now a resident of West Haven, Lt. Kross sat down for an extended interview with Center District Digital Media Specialist Mike Colón. To view his story visit our YouTube channel.

  • Marine 4 Patrols The Waters!

    Our Marine 4 unit recently out on a patrol in West Haven. you’ve been by the marina here in the Center District, you may have noticed our boat, Marine 4. A Metal Craft Fire Interceptor 12 CBRN, our responses with this unit include but are not limited to Marine accidents / fires, distress calls, search and rescues, as well as medicals. Commissioned in 2019, this boat is named in memory of our fallen brother Firefighter James C. Woodman, who died in 2019 from line of duty injuries sustained in a 1999 motor vehicle accident. With each run we go on with Marine 4, we not only bear his name but honor his legacy.

  • 9/11 Tribute Ceremony at WHFD Headquarters

    In a ceremony held outside Center District headquarters, members of all 3 fire districts stood side by side to remember the lives lost on September 11, 2001. As all stood at attention, the names of the 343 firefighters who died saving others trapped in the World Trade Center towers were read aloud and the bell tolled in their memory as well. Though 23 years have passed since that awful day, the importance of remembering those killed has not diminished, not now, and not ever.

  • WHFD Remembers 9/11

    On September 11, 2001, a vicious attack occurred on America. The Pentagon in Washington, DC and the World Trade Center in New York City both struck by airliners hijacked by terrorists. The Pentagon heavily damaged, the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center destroyed, collapsing as a result of their being struck by the hijacked aircraft. In the end 2,977 innocent people would perish in this attack. Among those killed, were over 400 emergency responders, including 71 police officers and federal agents and 343 firefighters. In the immediate aftermath of the attack, members of the West Haven Fire Department responded to the World Trade Center to assist with the rescue and recovery efforts at Ground Zero. We will never forget!

  • WHFD Receives New Cardiac Monitors

    As part of the Assistance to Firefighters Grant provided to us via the Federal Emergency Management Agency otherwise known as FEMA, we have received LifePak 35 monitors. You may wonder what these may be for? Well, in the response to medical emergencies, these monitors are utilized to provide high quality high efficiency cardiac care anywhere at anytime. We strive to carry nothing less than state of the art medical equipment for our paramedic providers to provide the highest quality of aid to those in need.

  • A-Shift Lieutenant Drost Instructs on Ground Ladder Techniques

    A-Shift Lieutenant Jon Drost instructs Firefighters John Mongillo and Ryan Pickering on proper ground ladder techniques. A 20-year veteran, Lieutenant Drost’s career with our department began on March 15, 2004. Promoted to his current rank in 2021, he brings much experience from his decade a half of time on the line to his method of teaching as a Fire Officer. Something younger firefighters like Mr. Mongillo, Mr. Pickering, and many more have been able to benefit immensely from.

  • The West Haven Department Remembers Commissioner George Chambrelli Jr.

    Members of the Center District stood at attention Thursday as we honored the memory of the late George Chambrelli Jr. A former commissioner for the West Shore Fire Department, Commissioner Chambrelli died on August 22 at the age of 84. A New Haven native, Commissioner Chambrelli proudly established roots in West Haven as well, serving as an active member of the West Shore Lodge 2832 Order Sons & Daughters of Italy in America, volunteer for several committees, and coach for Little League Baseball, Babe Ruth Baseball, and Fundamental Basketball. We thank, honor, and remember Commissioner Chambrelli for his years of dedicated service and send our deepest condolences to his family

  • The West Haven Department Supports Paulie’s Push

    On Monday, September 2, 2024 we were honored to accompany Paul Veneto as part of his mission Paulie’s Push. Escorted by members of the Center and West Shore Districts as well as the West Haven Police Department, Paul with much support from our emergency response agencies and West Haven residents alike continued his 200-mile trek from his native Boston to the site of the World Trade Center in New York City. A former flight, Paul was an employee of United Airlines at the time of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks and had previously worked on United Airlines Flight 175 which tragically on 9/11 was hijacked by terrorists and subsequently flown into the South Tower of the World Trade Center. Pushing the same cart he did as a flight attendant, his push aims to honor the memory of his friends and all those who lost their lives on 9/11.

  • Come Attend Our 3rd Annual Fire Expo!

    Please come join us for our 4th annual West Haven Fire Expo which will be taking place on Saturday, October 5, 2024 at the Savin Rock Conference Center! This is a great chance for the whole to meet and learn from your public safety heroes!

    Address: 6 Rock Street, West Haven, CT, 06516

    Time: 11AM-4PM